The World of menopause

Menopause/Perimenopause or Meno-Pause; I like spelling it with two separate words. It’s like a command of telling your menses or period to pause! Either way it is a period (literally) in a woman’s life that can be life altering just like when it began. Menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual period for 1 year


Here is a little anecdote for all you ladies who know what I’m talking about….

I remember being 13 hanging out with a friend going to the bathroom only to find a spot of blood in my cute undies “Oh me Oh my!!  I knew what it was but who is ever ready for that! I ran home about 8 blocks and started crying once I saw my Mom. I told her and she comforted her baby girl and gave me all the little things I needed to take care of the situation. I didn’t go back out to be with friends as I was sad and wanted to stay in the bed. I remember so vivid like it was yesterday (49 years ago) telling her I was going to cry every month until it left.  She smiled and said it would stop when I was in my late 40’s or 50's it seemed a thousand years away.  What I’m about to say really goes without saying but I will say it anyway…… I got over it and adjusted like the rest of us.

When it did happen my period paused in my late 40’s and was completely gone by 50. That was a real Wow moment also! Sometimes women may not recognize what is happening because these changes can happen slowly over time. I realized what was happening one day when I started crying for no reason and thinking I was going crazy until the light came on and I realized I was entering a phase called perimenopause. During this phase, hormone levels and the menstrual cycle begin to change. This phase may last from ages 45 to 55, although the timing varies person to person. Physically your ovaries are getting smaller and making less estrogen and here are a few other changes that happen, hot flashes (body temperature goes from normal to 200 degrees in seconds), mood swings (short fuse, no patience or time for foolishness, weepy and teary eyed), sweats (like you ran 5 miles and you’re standing still) and other life changing moments… Eventually some of these changes die down or may loiter longer than we like.

Homeopathic remedies

Here are a few homeopath steps I took; I drank Sage Tea & Black Cohosh tea; the teas helped my mood changes. Candles such as Lavender/lilac blossoms or whatever is your peace zone can be very helpful. Take time to take deep breaths and relax as much as you can during this phase of your life. Because how you handle it will determine how you experience your menopause experience; either way it is a part of our journey as women!

-Pam Alexander (Birth Doula)


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